I am delighted to tell you that my son Matt has started working full time in the business. Matt has worked part time for me for several years in between spending the last 2 winters playing and coaching cricket in Australia.
Matt has been on several training courses with TMHCC and Euler Hermes and has more planned in the future. His aim is to complete his Credit Insurance qualifications and to become a fully qualified broker, he is looking to take his exams in the New Year after gaining more experience in the industry.

Matt has already met several of our clients and is looking forward to meeting and building a relationship with every client individually in the coming months. The main reason for Matt coming on board was to ensure that we maintain the very highest levels of customer service. With Matt helping me we can increase the speed in which we respond to queries, improving turnaround times and allowing me to spend more time adding value on key issues such as claims and credit limits. Matt is very keen to learn and he is already making a real contribution.

You can contact Matt either via our normal landline or on matt@phcredit.co.uk. I will be add Matt as a CC into some e-mails for training and development purposes.